
I started writing screenplays in college, but eventually grew tired of the unpublishable nature of the medium.  So after experimenting with the graphic novel medium, I set out to write a story of unspecified length, just based on what I wanted to write about. This project was inspired by elements of a couple of my old screenplays, combined in new ways. It would become my first novella: "Scar Tissue."

Through "Scar Tissue," I fell in love with writing novellas. They are short and punchy like a screenplay, but the prose allows for a more fleshed-out interior life for the main character(s). I followed "Scar Tissue" up with "Summers in a Sinking Town" – a story outline that I had drafted with my brother Dan years before. I had also written a song version of "Summers in a Sinking Town," but for the sake of spoilers you won't find it in the Poetry/Lyrics section of this site (at least not yet).  Currently I'm adapting an old screenplay I wrote called "Coach" into my third novella, and I'm so excited to share each of these projects with you all. 

Five kids investigate disappearances and struggle with their restless minds as they grow up in a small town that's slowly sinking into the earth.

A young soccer coach takes over her mentor's team after he becomes involved in a scandal. As she tries to live up to his reputation on the field, she struggles to reconcile her image of him with his fall from grace. 

A young woman with extensive physical and emotional scarring has two secrets that make her life very complicated.

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